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Shanee Wilson (Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom)

Shanee Wilson (Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom)

My name is Shanee Wilson. I am a 34-year-old wife, mom, woman of God, and business owner. At the time of diagnosis, I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. While it was devastating to learn that I had such a serious diagnosis, at least for me personally it meant the fear was over and there wasnt much more that could be done at this point other than to plan for treatment and recovery.

My first reaction was shock. The diagnosis was almost a relief because it meant that I knew what I was dealing with, but it was still hard to hear. My cancer had spread and I was told that my prognosis wasnt good since it had not been caught early enough.

The very first symptom that something was wrong was fatigue. I thought maybe I had been working too hard, but it wasnt just fatigue; it was physical exhaustion. I couldnt even make it to the end of the day without needing a nap. At first, I thought this was normal because I have always been a fatigued person, so when it got worse and became accompanied by weight loss and extensive bruising I went to my doctor. After some blood tests and an ultrasound, my doctor explained that I had Non-Hodgkins-Lymphom Krebs.

Nebenwirkungen und Herausforderungen

Non-Hodgkins Lymphom is a type of blood cancer that I was diagnosed with. The diagnosis was scary, but also extremely confusing just like the majority of people who find themselves in my situation. I had so many questions and not a lot of answers available to be found. I began researching everything I could about this disease the treatment options, side effects, and survival rates were all very different depending on how advanced the cancer was at diagnosis.

It seemed that every person with lymphoma had their own unique ride there was no right or wrong path, but rather a multitude of paths to choose from. While this may seem frightening for some people, for me it gave me hope that there could be a solution to every problem encountered and made each day feel as if there were still possibilities out there waiting for me!

Die Diagnose eines Lymphoms war ein großer Schock. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass diese heilbare Krankheit so viele Menschen töten würde. Mit der richtigen Diagnose, Behandlung und Forschung könnten Sie die Krankheit überleben, aber wie meistern Sie diese Reise? Da ich so viel medizinisches Wissen zur Hand hatte, wurde meine Reise viel einfacher, aber auch viel schwieriger.

During my treatment, I rarely recognized myself. The intensive chemotherapy made me look like Id aged ten years in a matter of weeks and my strength was sapped beyond what I thought it could bear. It was a long road to recovery yet, the real test was when I had completed all the treatments and scans that was when I realized that this part wasnt over yet! You see, as a patient you need to be aware of the side effects associated with cancer treatment. These side effects can be physical (skin problems like dryness and redness) and/or emotional (depression or anxiety).

Unterstützungssystem und Betreuer

I was very lucky to have an amazing medical team to look after me. From the moment I made a very wrong move and started to bleed heavily, I was whisked into surgery, where my Blutdruck dropped dramatically. My amazing surgeons and doctors who looked after me throughout this ordeal did everything they possibly can to ensure that I came out of there alive, which I am very grateful for.

I can still remember vividly fighting for my life against Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom, and then waking up having no memory of what had happened. During that time, I was really lucky to have an amazing family, incredible support from my friends, and wonderful medical staff who all worked together to bring me back to health.

Ich möchte auch besonderen Menschen in meinem Leben danken, angefangen bei meinem wundervollen und liebevollen Ehemann, der in den letzten Jahren viel ertragen musste. Mein medizinisches Team hat gezeigt, dass es so viel mehr als nur ein Team ist. Sie kümmerten sich um mich, saßen bei mir, wenn ich Schmerzen hatte, und legten Eisbeutel an, halfen mir beim Gehen, wenn es zu schmerzhaft war, es alleine zu tun, und sagten mir, wie mutig ich war, als ich es hören musste!

Post-Krebs und zukünftige Ziele

So, what are my big goals now? Pretty simply, I want to focus on enjoying the little things while sharing with others what I have learned. I cant imagine a greater privilege and opportunity than to be able to inspire people to live better lives. So yes, I suppose you could say thats my next adventure. A personal mission to gather moments of joy along the way and pass them along so we all grow in our lives together.

To add My goal is to help people who, like me, may feel lonely, scared or disheartened, because I understand what it feels like to be isolated in a mountain of uncertainty. I support every patient to feel more grounded and connected. By sharing my personal experience about cancer, I am attracted and as a survivor of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, I think it is incredibly important to share my story with others in order to help them get through their own battles.

Einige Lektionen, die ich gelernt habe

Chemotherapie is a fascinating story of resilience, hope, and strength. If you are struggling to make sense of this whole thing, or want a greater understanding of what others have gone through and how they got through it, then you will get the most out of this personal experience.

Was ich gelernt habe, ist eine Sammlung von Sätzen und Gedanken, die nach einer Krebsdiagnose alle Bedeutung und Relevanz haben. Jeder Satz/Gedanke ist Teil eines größeren Themas, wie zum Beispiel meine Familie und Freunde, meine Hobbys nach der Chemotherapie, wie ich jetzt Essen sehe, wie ich ans Leben gehe oder die Kraft der Leidenschaft. Unabhängig von Ihren persönlichen Überzeugungen oder Ihrer Fähigkeit, die dahinter stehende Wissenschaft zu verstehen, wird die Feststellung, dass Sie Krebs haben, Ihre Sicht auf das Alltagsleben völlig verändern. Ich hoffe, dass diese Sätze Ihnen helfen können, diese Zeit zu bewältigen.

Das Leben ist kurz. Genießen Sie es unbedingt! Lernen Sie aus dem, was Sie stärker macht.


Remember, its your life and no one knows you or your illness better than you do. Take each day as it comes and if you need to break things down into smaller chunks of time, then do so. Dont be afraid to ask questions as there is never a silly one! Go into every appointment knowing what you want to get out of it. That way, you can take control and ask the questions that are really important to you.

If theres something that feels too hard, break it down into small steps like 10 minutes instead of an hour-long appointment. So, there you have it my parting message to you from this illness. Its an ongoing process, and one that we will never truly finish. But by making a commitment to both yourself and your health, you can come out stronger on the other side. Remember: you are not alone in this battle. Theres light at the end of the tunnel and everything will be okay I promise!

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