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Devansh Rai (Plattenepithelkarzinom)

Devansh Rai (Plattenepithelkarzinom)

Erkennung / Diagnose:

Almost eight months ago, my dad began experiencing difficulty swallowing food properly. We then consulted a doctor, and after an endoscopy, it was discovered that he had a tumor. Subsequent biopsy results revealed a diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma. He was unable to consume solid food and relied entirely on a liquid diet.


Cancer came as a bit of a shock, especially since my father wasn't accustomed to hospitals. Adjusting to medical procedures was a big challenge for him. He was advised to receive nourishment through a feeding tube. Throughout his treatment, I remained by his side, spending considerable time with him. I fulfilled the role of caregiver for nearly four months, meeting with multiple doctors to understand my father's condition and potential outcomes.

Da mein Vater ein 65-jähriger Patient ist, wurde ihm eine Strahlen- und Chemotherapie und kein chirurgischer Eingriff empfohlen. Wir wussten buchstäblich nichts von allem wie Chemotherapie oder Bestrahlung und deren Nebenwirkungen usw. Wir mussten ein paar Ärzte konsultieren. Wir haben auch verschiedene Recherchen durchgeführt. Es gab eine ständige Frage, ob man sich für eine entscheiden sollte CT-Scan oder ein PET-Scan, da das Scannen ein erforderlicher Test war. Wir haben unsere Möglichkeiten geprüft, um die beste Lösung herauszufinden. Es gab viele Optionen mit mehreren Ergebnissen. Wir machten einen PET-Scan und der Scan ergab, dass der Tumor auf seine Luftröhre drückte, was die Komplexität noch erhöhte. Nach dieser Entdeckung wurde uns vorgeschlagen, zunächst den Tumor zu verkleinern. Um den Tumor zu verkleinern, mussten wir durchgehen Chemotherapie.

After two cycles of chemotherapy sessions, the doctors witnessed a miracle: a significant reduction in the size of the tumor. This news not only kept us positive but also motivated us to continue with the treatment. Following this success, we proceeded with several weeks of radiation therapy. However, radiation therapy brought along a slew of side effects. Managing continuous coughing was particularly challenging for my father, causing him considerable discomfort. Nonetheless, the promising reduction in the tumor size kept him determined to press on.

Unsere ganze Familie verbrachte viel Zeit mit meinem Vater. Wir haben ihn beschäftigt und abgelenkt gehalten, damit er sich nicht allein fühlt. Die Zeit mit ihm zu verbringen, hat auch mir ein gutes Gefühl gegeben. Er hatte viele Nebenwirkungen durch die Chemo-Sitzungen. Mein Vater war jedoch während der gesamten Reise sehr positiv eingestellt. Seine positiven Gedanken hielten ihn am Laufen.

Nach der Bestrahlung bekam er eine Lungenentzündung. Diese neue Entdeckung brachte für meinen Vater viele Risiken mit sich. Mir wurde klar, dass es meinen Vater töten könnte und wir nichts dagegen tun können. Krebs ist immer noch nicht ganz verschwunden. Zwischenzeitlich hatte er auch eine Fistel. Aufgrund der Covid-Situation sind wir nicht ins Krankenhaus gegangen, um die Immuntherapie zu beginnen, die die Immunität meines Vaters stärken kann. Beim Husten hatte er große Schwierigkeiten mit einer Fistel.  

As a caregiver, my entire family and I dedicated as much time as possible to be with him. I firmly believe that spending quality time with the patient can significantly impact both the patient and the family. My father developed a daily habit of playing online chess, which served as a valuable distraction and source of engagement for him. Despite facing challenges such as the presence of a fistula, which limited his mobility, he remained determined. I continuously sought ways to enhance his comfort and accessibility, exploring various strategies to improve his quality of life.

Reaktion der Familie:

Everyone in the family initially struggled to come to terms with the news. Initially, we hesitated to tell him, but when we finally did, he responded with remarkable positivity. His courageous acceptance of the situation set the tone for the entire family. Although the news was difficult to digest at first, we found strength in each other and in the stories of cancer survivors. My father's determination to fight back was evident from the start, and his unwavering belief that he would be okay inspired us all. We moved forward with a renewed sense of hope and determination to explore all possible avenues for his treatment and recovery.

Dauer der Behandlung:

Die gesamte Reise dauerte insgesamt 23 Wochen, davon fanden sechs Wochen Chemotherapie statt. Die Ärzte wollten neun Wochen lang Chemotherapie-Sitzungen durchführen, schlugen jedoch vor, sich einer Bestrahlung zu unterziehen, nachdem sie die Ergebnisse gesehen hatten. Die Bestrahlung dauerte etwa 12 Wochen. 


We observed a variety of side effects on a daily basis. Hair loss and continuous shedding were prominent, along with general weakness. Rashes appeared on his body, and muscular pain became frequent due to lack of movement. Coughing increased due to issues with the windpipe, prompting the use of steamers and nebulizers to alleviate mucus buildup. His sleep patterns were disrupted by discomfort on the hospital bed, so we adjusted the incline for better rest. The radiation treatment also brought about additional symptoms, for which the doctors recommended various creams to mitigate their effects. 

Änderungen des Lebensstils:

With the cancer diagnosis came positive changes in my father's lifestyle. He embraced his situation and stayed engaged in various activities. Embracing technology, he used it to communicate with others and even started playing online chess for distraction and entertainment. We utilized online shopping to purchase steamers and nebulizers, setting up a mini-hospital at home for his convenience, minimizing the need for frequent hospital visits.

Auswirkungen aufgrund der Pandemie:

The pandemic brought about drastic changes in everyone's lives. Travel became restricted and risky, with limited mobility compared to pre-COVID times. However, with proper medications and guidance from doctors, these limitations could be managed effectively.

Kostenlose Therapie:

Wir haben keine alternativen Behandlungsmethoden in Betracht gezogen oder in Betracht gezogen Ayurveda oder Kräutertherapie. Wir müssen immer nur die konventionellen Medikamente einnehmen.


Cancer news can indeed turn your world upside down, but with positivity, support, and the right advice, anyone can move forward and face this battle. The journey is exhausting for both the patient and the caregiver, leading to numerous questions and second thoughts about treatment and medication. However, with support, love, proper medicine, and sound advice, the journey becomes a little easier. Spending time with patients helps them feel comfortable and normalizes their experience. Engaging them in activities like online games can distract them from overthinking about the future. As a caregiver, I advise others to keep patients engaged, provide them with attention and time, and spread positivity, as these activities can significantly benefit patients.

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